Lady Love

She’ll lift you up and make you fly
And put a twinkle in your eye.
She fills your being with warmth and glee
Your heart feel light and oh so free.
You cannot help but grin and smile
And loose yourself just for a while.
Your pounding heart, it bounce and twirl
Your stomach lurch into a whirl.
Sweaty palms is caused by her
A glowing face of a lover.
She’s Lady Love. Thats who she is
She sows loves seeds wherever she feeds.


Struggles comes in many forms
Silent tears and raging storms
It shows many a different face
What’s passing for one,
Seals another ones fate.

While some may seem, somewhat perturbed.
Others with struggles may be undisturbed.
For each person’s struggles are tailored and tuned
To be dealt with kid gloves.
To be pampered and pruned.

So manage your struggles
And handle with care
So you may stand strongly
And survive them with flair.

©Nazlee Jeppie

Tend your own garden

We all live a life of our own
Our own to have;
Our own to keep;
To decide on;
To control;
To have the last say.

And in a perfect world it we could have just that.

Our world is anything but perfect.
Often it is not what we hoped for;
Different from what we expected;
Far from what we wished for;
Nothing we are willing to accept.

Life is unpredictable, unscripted, unfeeling.

So lesson to be learned,
With every a new journey,
Without expectations,
Without wants,
Without needs,
Without desires,
And discover the bounties right under your nose.

Life is not a competition, a race or game.
It is a journey.
Unique and custom made.

So admire the green grass
On the other side of the stream.
But be patient as your twigs grow into luscious lawn.
You may even find a few scattered flowers.

©Nazlee Jeppie

The absence of light

Darkness rise from deep within.
Discomfort in your core begins.
Like bitter bile it flows in troughs.
Everything shivers and shakes with woe.

You try to smile. You try. You do!
But no avail will come to you.
Today all joy will be your foe
As pain and sorrow ebb and flow.

You sit unsettled and strike a pose.
A pose to hide, what lurks inside.
Yes hide, so no one knows:
Your pain and darkness and your lows.

©Nazlee Jeppie



more and more I am experiencing thoughtlessness.
not thoughtless in the conventional way
of not considering others
but rather a state without thoughts
something never experienced before
so foreign that it almost goes unnoticed and
feels like a revelation when you become aware of it.

so different from the silent lull I have become familiar with.
an ominous silence …
that is the perfect breeding space
for anger, pain, discontent, sadness and other enmities
a place where negativity would fester and grow until they could no longer be contained
flowing, like puss out of an infected wound,
they would ooze.
spewed into my world, my life, to cause pain, havoc and destruction

but now there is this newly discovered space.


never would I have believed of the existence of such a space.
a space that needs nothing, that gives nothing.
all that is required is to be;
to experience the sense of being;
a sense of being that awards a weightlessness and light to the spirit.
where nothing matters;
where there are no issues or matters of any kind.
And what a lovely place, what a lovely space it is.




A magic wand is all I need.

To swish and wish that all be fixed.

All tears and fears,

And sorrow and pain,

Be shoved, shuffled and swept away.

My burdens forever be banish and bullied,

And buried far to never return.

Just one day of release is what I seek

From  wretchedness, worry, wailing and woe,

And festering anguish harboured so deep

A single day cheerful and free.

To live, love and to leap.

@Nazlee Jeppie


Waiting at the hospital

On cold, harsh steel benches
They sit.
Sit and wait.
Patients waiting patiently
To hear there name
Signalling the end of the waiting.
Impatiently and eager like hungry children at the soup kitchen line.
Eagerly anticipating.
Faces sporting blank stares .
Some look pensive.
What are their thoughts?
Or are there any thoughts at all?
Maybe it’s to keep others at bay.
Unsaid rules are observed.
No eye contact,
No smiles greeting,.
Blank stare required
First timers don’t know the rule…
Don’t make eye contact!
And if you do, keep your game face on.
Don’t smile or greet;
You do not want to allow a gap to hear sad soppy life stories.
When a name is called
Heads turn, necks stretch,
Eyes alert,
Like “meerkats” looking across the plains.
Only to resume position till the next name is called.
And so they sit
Hoping your name sounds next.

©Nazlee Jeppie

waiting at the hosp