Surviving Life

We can…
Be Brave
Be cautious
Be reckless
Take chances
Be gentle
Be strong
Cry bitterly
Laugh hysterically
Be humble
Be proud
Be sad
Be happy
Be kind
Be harsh
Be quiet
Be silent
Make our voice heard
Be critical
Have faith
When needed
And all in aid of…
Surviving Life.

@Nazlee Jeppie


Die son bak genadeloos op sy bloodgestelde vel
Styf gespan oor ‘n moeë raam.
Diep gesonke oë knyp styf toe om die sonstrale af te weer.
“n Sterk wind waai warm om hom heen
Hy sukkel om sy oë oop te hou.
Slaap durf hy nie;
Want dit  laat hom weerloos en kwesbaar.
Die aasvoël kyk geduldig toe.
Sy maag geswolle , kliphard en seer.
Somer en Winter
Lente en Herfs;
Alles in een dag weer
Sy oë raak swaarder en val toe
Met ‘n skrik en skok word hy wakker geruk.
“n Hoongelag steek in sy ore soos ‘n doring tak oor sagte satyn.
Op wil hy spring na veiligheid maar sy swakke liggaam laat hom in die steek.
Sy gees gaan lê.
Hy is te moeg
Hy het verloor
Die aasvoëls wen.

@Nazlee Jeppie


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Lady Love

She’ll lift you up and make you fly
And put a twinkle in your eye.
She fills your being with warmth and glee
Your heart feel light and oh so free.
You cannot help but grin and smile
And loose yourself just for a while.
Your pounding heart, it bounce and twirl
Your stomach lurch into a whirl.
Sweaty palms is caused by her
A glowing face of a lover.
She’s Lady Love. Thats who she is
She sows loves seeds wherever she feeds.